Privacy policy

PowerGear Europe | PGE B.V. (PowerGear) respects your privacy and ensures that the personal information you provide is treated confidentially. In this statement you can read which data we use and how we store, protect and process this data. This privacy policy applies to our website and the products and services we offer.


On our website you can fill in a contact form with the request to be contacted by us or to receive further information about our products or services. If you purchase products from us, we use your data to process your orders as quickly and easily as possible. If you place an order, we need data to be able to execute your order so that we can confirm your order, keep you informed about your order and to send you the invoice. For these purposes we can provide you with the following personal data of your questions:

  • Name organisation
  • Contact person (first name, insert and last name)
  • Address details (street name and number / PO box, postcode and location)
  • Delivery address (street name and number, postcode and city)
  • Phone number
  • E-mail address
  • VAT number
  • Bank details (bank account number / IBAN and account holder name)

In order to deliver your order, we will share your name, e-mail address and delivery address with the delivery company. If your company is located outside the Netherlands, we also share your telephone number with the delivery company. PowerGear will not sell your personal information to third parties and will only make it available to third parties that are involved in processing your order.


From the tax authorities we must keep your invoice, payment and order data for 7 years. We also keep your data for handling warranty for a period of at least five years. This data is only stored with the aim of providing warranty or refuting sales to the tax authorities. PowerGear does not store personal data longer than necessary for the purpose for which it was provided or required by law.


We use your data to inform you by e-mail about price and assortment changes and to inform you about the products, services and activities of PowerGear. If you no longer appreciate this, you can let us know by sending an e-mail. With each newsletter we sent, we also offer you the possibility to unsubscribe. Your e-mail address will not be provided to third parties and your details will never be sold by us.


A cookie is a small text file that is sent to the browser via the server of a website. The browser then saves the file to your device. Your device will receive a unique number, with which our site will recognize the device later. We may use cookies to improve your experience on our website. Cookies also ensure that the website is fast, that you can visit our website safely and we can detect errors on our website. You can choose not to consent to the placing of cookies. In your internet browser you can also block cookies. It differs per browser how you can set this up, most browsers explain this in the help-function.


We use Google Analytics to keep track of how users use the website and how effective our Adwords ads on Google search result pages are. The data is anonymous and is therefore not tied to your personal details such as name, company or e-mail address.

The information thus obtained, including the address of your computer (IP address), is transferred to and stored by Google on servers. Read Google's privacy policy for more information, as well as the specific privacy policy of Google Analytics.


You have the right to request your data that has been recorded and stored at PowerGear. You can send an e-mail to or by contacting us by telephone. You have the right to have your data corrected or removed by us.


Our employees and third parties engaged by us are obliged to respect the confidentiality of your data. Our systems are protected in such a way that unauthorized persons inside and outside our organization cannot access your data. Your data will at all times be protected and treated confidentially in accordance with legislation. If you have any questions or comments about this privacy policy, please contact us using the details below:

PowerGear Europe | PGE B.V.
Rithmeesterpark 21
4838 GZ Breda
The Netherlands
+31 76 3031 405
Chamber of Commerce The Netherlands: 69933952
VAT-number: NL858070583B01